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Helmingham Primary School & Nursery

News Articles

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  • Outdoor Learning at Helmingham

    Published 26/05/23
    All pupils throughout the school will have weekly opportunities for Forest school sessions, planned and led or supported by qualified and experienced Forest School practitioners. We have a brand new, purpose built pavilion for pupils and staff to
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  • Valentines Disco

    Published 25/01/23

    On the last day of term we'll be holding a Valentine Disco from 3:15pm - 4:30pm. Parents, carers and siblings welcome. 

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  • Jubilee Celebration

    Published 18/05/22

    We look forward to seeing all our parents and carers at this very special celebration - please feel free to dress for the occasion.

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  • Dinosaurs

    Published 11/05/22

    We are really getting our 'teeth' into our Dinosaur topic this term. We often take our learning 'in the moment' here in Hedgehogs. When we heard that a Meglodon Shark tooth had been found on the beach at Bawdsey we just had to put our phonics lesson on pause to do some research. We found out facts such as, how long ago they lived and how big they were. The then took our learning that bit further and measured exactly how big they were outside, using a metre stick and ourselves! We were very surprised just how big they were! From measuring the shark we then drew the shark, it's teeth and even its food. You will be pleased to know hat phonics resumed shortly afterwards.

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  • Easter Scavenger Hunt

    Published 07/04/22

    Come and join the fun!!!!

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  • Easter Eggs

    Published 04/04/22

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Eagles Class Visit to Ipswich Museum

    Published 25/03/22

    On Friday 6th May 2022 we are planning to take all students from Eagles Class to the Ipswich Museum. The visit is linked to our summer topic of Ancient Egypt.

    The children will follow a timetable for the day where they have a guided session, use of the activity room, a lunch slot and time on the galleries.

    Activities include:

    Handling real Ancient Egyptian objects to discover the stories they have to tell.
    Creating a living timeline and making clay shabtis for the Pharaoh.
    Stepping into the mummy’s tomb to explore the importance of the afterlife.
    Exploring the Natural History gallery and discovering the animals that inspired the gods of Ancient Egypt.


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  • Our sincere apologies but this event has been cancelled.

    Published 18/03/22

    Our sincere apologies but this event has been cancelled.

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  • Book and Bake Sale

    Published 01/03/22

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • NSPCC Numbers Day at Helmingham

    Published 04/02/22

    Our Academy Head, Miss Stephanie Hawes takes dressing up days very seriously! She always comes up with amazing costumes. Well done Miss Hawes.

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  • Friends of Helmingham Treat Staff

    Published 04/02/22

    Today Helmingham staff arrived at school to find this thoughtful and amazing hamper of goodies that had been sent in by our fantastic Friends of Helmingham Group.

    All the staff are looking forward to enjoying all the wonderful gifts in the hamper.

    Thank You from all the staff.

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  • Number Day 2022

    Published 20/01/22

    We will be raising money for the NSPCC on Friday February 4th. We are asking the children to dress up as ‘Anything to do with Maths’ for a £1 donation.

    We will also be running a cake sale after school so please get baking for this good cause.

    We will be talking in assembly about what the children could wear and we are sure that we will have lots of suggestions, for example: clocks, dice, calculators, rulers, pie, write number sentences on an old t-shirt etc.

    There are also ideas on the Internet if you google’ Number Day dress up ideas’.

    The children will be taking part in Maths activities during the day and hopefully having lots of fun while learning.

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